Marco Innocenti's Played Games

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Haunted P, by Chad Rocketman
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Discover fascinating minature worlds.... interact with an intricately modeled NPC.... discover the secret of the magical substance, P, and how it became to be haunted....

Hibernated 1 (Director's Cut), by Stefan Vogt
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Have you ever dreamed about a journey far beyond the known regions of the universe? Close to Alpha Centauri, Olivia Lund is on the trail of one of mankind's greatest secrets and a thousand-year-old mystery....

Hibernated 1 - This place is death, by Stefan Vogt
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

Have you ever dreamed about a journey far beyond the known regions of the universe? Close to Vega, Olivia Lund is on the trail of one of mankind's greatest secrets and a thousand-year-old mystery. After over...

The Hours, by Robert Patten
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

Your new job as a time traveler may be harder than you thought. A simple heist in the ancient Library of Alexandria turns into a murder mystery. ONLINE PLAY: The status bar is essential to the game, but may...

It Is Pitch Black, by Caelyn Sandel
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Trapped alone in a darkened antique store with a man-eating grue, can you keep a light going long enough to survive? (contains sound, but no jumpscares.) 2nd place, EctoComp 2014.

Keepsake, by Savaric
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (26 ratings)

The planning was easy. Committing the murder was easy. But getting away with it? That's another thing. Keepsake is a short, surreal story about vengeance and its consequences.

Killing Machine Loves Slime Prince, by C.E.J. Pacian
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (12 ratings)

A biomechanical killing machine stalks a strange world. The slime she loves is dying. And the one responsible is out there somewhere.

Leather Goddesses of Phobos, by Steve Meretzky
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (70 ratings)

And now... the next exciting episode of humanoids in space! How did you, a regular at Joe's Bar in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, end up on a Martian moon? Can you prevent the hideous space creature from abducting...

The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M, by Michael D. Hilborn
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (30 ratings)

Your vision clears as you gently land in an endless landscape. There is the wind, a bleak and chill thing. And there is your sense of uncertainty: You don't know which way to go. Or, maybe, which way you...

Lime Ergot, by Caleb Wilson (as Rust Blight)
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (83 ratings)

Now everyone is gone. (Well, almost everyone.) Entry in ECTOCOMP 2014.

Lord Bellwater's Secret, by Sam Gordon
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (71 ratings)

Lucid Night, by Dee Cooke
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

You've always been a lucid dreamer, but these days your dreams never last very long. If only you could get some rest... Lucid Night was created for PunyJam #3 in February 2023.

The Magician's Ball, by Grant Harrison, Kevin Grieve
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A little girl has been turned to stone by an evil wizard. The player takes the role of Caro, a magician, and must slay the evil wizard in order to break the spell.
Mammoth Vacuum Button of Death , by Daniel Airey
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
I am sitting on a red and black checkered blanket in the middle of a beautiful meadow. A giant (i.e. the size of your ugly gut) cake waits infront of me. For no explainable reason whatsoever, a note has been...

Marine Raider, by Allen Gies
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

May fourth, nineteen forty-two. The Pacific Ocean froths with war. The Japanese have made immense gains following their infamous December sneak attack. The Philippines have fallen. Pearl Harbor is a...

Measureless to Man, by Ivan R.
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

You're on your way home from Cairo, with nothing but a rumpled suit and an apple for lunch. But the plane passes through dark air, over a fathomless sea. Past the heavens, under the deep, there are secrets...

Midsummer's Eve, by Tristin Grizel Dean
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

It's Midsummer's Eve. The annual Midsummer Circus is in town, but, more importantly, tonight is the Midsummer Eve's Treasure Hunt. Every summer, the 13-year-old children of the town compete to find the...

Monster Maker, by Adri ("Erin Gigglecreek")
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A silly character creation toy.

Muggle Studies, by M. Flourish Klink
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (19 ratings)

You play as Alice Armstrong, the new Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Scotland, even though you've never heard of "muggles" before and never knew magic was real...

The Mystery of Winchester High, by Garry Francis
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Frederick H Winchester III was a rich man who lived in the city of Dunedin in New Zealand. When he died, his mansion was bequeathed to the city to be turned into a high school. Apart from the mansion, the...

Nautilisia, by Ryan Veeder
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (41 ratings)

Your friend claims to be in a coma.

Nel mondo di Ayon, by Marco Vallarino
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

The fashion reporter Vincent Morgan is on the trail of the early works of the famous graffiti artist Ayon. To locate them, he has to explore the disreputable suburb where the artist grew up.

PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (58 ratings)

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich: The Text Adventure, by Rex Mundane
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

You struggle against fate itself to create, and consume, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
Marco Innocenti's rating:
Average member rating: (559 ratings)

"Will you read me a story?" "Read you a story? What fun would that be? I've got a better idea: let's tell a story together."

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